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5 Tips on How Exercise Prep Can Begin Healing Trauma
5 Tips on How Exercise Prep Can Begin To Heal Trauma. Stephanie Lindsey, our in house sports therapist, shares tips on how to prepare for exercise and the positive impacts this preparation has on healing and reducing trauma symptoms. Stephanie challenges people to identify and remain in tune to their needs to create safety when exercising.
What is EMDR?
EMDR can be completed very effectively online - with more customized options that actually help you feel better than in-person.
How To Heal an Injury and Your Mind (Intro)
Introduction to 4 part series of how to overcome obstacles post injury, surgery, pain, etc. Sport Psych Stephanie Lindsey validates, normalizes, and educates the athlete audience on how to take care of yourself holistically both during injury and post injury recovery.
5 Tips to Overcome Fear of Re-injury
5 Tips To Overcome Fear of Reinjury - For Collegiate and Professional Athletes
4 Tips for Athletes Facing Retirement
4 Tips For Athletes Facing Retirement - For Collegiate and Professional Athletes
Am I Indecisive? I’m Not Sure
FREE DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE! The worksheet to decrease indecisiveness, tackle goal setting, and increase self awareness.
3 Tips for Setting for Setting Boundaries
Learn about your personal boundaries and how to start changing them. FREE DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE
Family and Holidays…Need I Say More?
Family and Holidays…Need I Say More?
Find 7 tips and tricks for surviving the holidays or making them more enjoyable, whichever you prefer.
Life Slumps! And What To Do About It
10 Tips to beat a life slump, depression, and other mental health conerns.
Athlete’s Corner
Learn how mental health therapists and sport psychologists can help athletes overcome mental blocks, injury recovery, identity, mental health concerns, and more!
Power and Control: Handling the Unexpected
Power and Control: How to Manage the Unexpected
Tips for emotional regulation and handing the unexpected all while battling burnout